Saturday, March 06, 2010

Day One

I went to my WeightWatchers meeting today. I believe that I have an issue with eating. I may even have an eating disorder. I also think that this eating disorder is directly contributing to my aversion to cooking. I love to eat but I do not like to cook. I also do not like going to the grocery store. I do everything I can do avoid grocery stores. I only go when I have to. I am starting to think that this is also related to my aversion to cooking and eating issues. I have created this blog because a friend of mine thinks this would be a good place to get this out. I will also from time to time, post recipes that help me toward my weight loss goal. My ultimate goal is to find the love of cooking. So, Here we go.

Once again we ate out for dinner. Alot of the time food cravings drive what decisions we make for dinner. Like tonight, I had a strong craving for Chinese food so that is what we had. Most of the time this is how it works. Right at this moment, I don't have any specific feelings about that. I assume that it will come as I continue this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that it's very possible you do. The next step is HOW to overcome it? I believe the healthy breakfast we had this morning with Leah was just the first of many creations to come from you. It was a great time making the dish as well. It seems when we cook together, you enjoy it. Maybe that's the key... Create & cook with the ones that love you? With that said the Broccoli,Red Pepper & Cheese Quiche we had this morning looked and tasted great! The conversation wasn't too bad either. ;-) ~Love ya! ~ME
