Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Been forgetting to post

Last night we cooked fresh fish, ate fresh red pepper slices, sweet potatoe baked french fries and cooked mushrooms. It actually didn't feel too bad to cook last night but I hated going to the store, especially since I was so hungry. I have a feeling that this feeling is only temporary....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I missed a few days

Last night I had chili, corn bread and milk for dinner. I did not make dinner though. I did have fun last night though. I don;t have mujch else to say about yesterday though.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day Five

I was sick tonight so my husband made us all chicken and rice soup with boboli pizza with goat cheese and canadian bacon. See a pattern? I am not cooking. Mostly by choice, but mostly out of habit. I just keeping thinking laziness and not even a loathing of cooking. What the hell does one do to climb out of the laziness black hole?

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Day Four

Sorry, but I am just not in the mood to talk about how I ate out again tonight. Plus I am not in a good enough mood to even type.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Day Three

I was on my own for dinner tonight and had a sandwich. I almost never cook especially when I am alone. I figure what is the point. I suppose that I mostly just don't know how to cook for myself alone.

I also needed to study tonight, which I did, and that occupied most of my night. I do not enjoy struggling with learning Math either. Feels like during this class I am overwhelmed with my own limitations. So, it feels like my limitations are stacking up. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, math, exercising and attempting to eat right.

Another day bites the dust...night kiddies.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Day Two

Woke up a little late and had brunch with Misi and Leah. We made little quiche's in a muffin pan, they turned out well. Good coffee, good conversation and good people. We had lunch in Independence with some old friends, which was good, and had mexican. I went a little overboard. Of course, we did not prepare for dinner, so once again I brought home food. We ate Boston Market. It was mediocre. Now watching the Oscars and doing homework. I also had an awesome visit with Carrie. Loved hanging out with the baby too.

I haven't had much time for contemplation today but I did at least think about my dislike of cooking. So much so, that I only cooked once today. My husband does do most of the cooking and he wants me to love to cook as well. I can't help but wonder, how long do I have to contemplate before my feelings change?

Good night friends!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Day One

I went to my WeightWatchers meeting today. I believe that I have an issue with eating. I may even have an eating disorder. I also think that this eating disorder is directly contributing to my aversion to cooking. I love to eat but I do not like to cook. I also do not like going to the grocery store. I do everything I can do avoid grocery stores. I only go when I have to. I am starting to think that this is also related to my aversion to cooking and eating issues. I have created this blog because a friend of mine thinks this would be a good place to get this out. I will also from time to time, post recipes that help me toward my weight loss goal. My ultimate goal is to find the love of cooking. So, Here we go.

Once again we ate out for dinner. Alot of the time food cravings drive what decisions we make for dinner. Like tonight, I had a strong craving for Chinese food so that is what we had. Most of the time this is how it works. Right at this moment, I don't have any specific feelings about that. I assume that it will come as I continue this blog.